Our Teachers are the Root of our Success.


Ariel Churchill


The capacity for someone to hold space for themselves in these trying times is a superpower! Most adults never learned as adolescents, how to manage “big emotions”. In fact most of us were taught that they were down right wrong to have!! 

Giving these kids a deeper understanding of how the brain works, why it affects the body and empowering them with the skills to handle any situation is what it’s all about. Creating a nonjudgemental, and safe space is essential for them to gain confidence and learn how to truly connect, first with themselves and then others! 

Over the 6 weeks they will go on a journey of self discovery. Like a road trip! Each week will have a focus and one guided journal prompt a day to keep the momentum going in between sessions!

-Week 1: My destination and my why. Goals and reasons.
-Week 2: Servicing my vehicle. Self care, what and why.
-Week 3: Time to pack! Beliefs- What do we bring vs toss.
-Week 4: Traveling Partners. How to pick your inner circle 
-Week 5: Time to hit the road! Planning/prioritizing 
-Week 6: Destination and the journey! Reflection 

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Bonnie McKinney

Nature Explorers

Our Nature Connection programs emphasize unstructured, child-led creative play in combination with a nature connection program. We weave in the Gratitude Practice, Nature Journaling, Mapping, Orienteering, Animal Tracking, Sensory Awareness Practices, Plant, Tree, Insect and Animal Identification, Bird Language, Ocean Awareness, Forest Knowledge building, some basic primitive skills such as Shelter Building, Herbal Medicine Making and Wild edible foraging.  (If you would like us to incorporate knife skills and carving - we can do that with unanimous parent approval).  

Our programs are experiential based learning.  A typical day might include a nature treasure hunt, creek exploring, nature wandering, climbing hills, fairy garden construction, shelter building, nature based arts and crafts, nature journaling, storytelling and child inspired play. We will have the opportunity to get to know all about the plants, animals, insects, trees and other cycles of nature that will be happening around us.  Nature is our Teacher as we co-create the class together. Sign Up


Carrie Burr


Co-owner of Breath+Oneness yoga studio in Capitola, Carrie has been a wellness teacher for over 15 years, including being a professional personal trainer, nutritionist, yoga and meditation teacher, and life coach. She is motivated to encourage fitness within every person mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and wants everyone to feel as powerful as possible within their own sovereignty.

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Casey Køerner

Visual Arts & Multimedia

Studio Drawing & Painting: The craft of interpreting color & tone into a harmonious pattern involves a series of uniquely difficult disciplines folded into one.  In this 4-part course, we will explore the differences between these disciplines and gain an understanding of design, tone, and color arrangement using Ink, Graphite & Acrylic paint; while reviewing specific tools and steps needed to create a permanent / mobile art studio. 

Multimedia: Using modern mobile digital tools; music composition & arrangement focuses on the process of creating a piece of digital music from start to finish.  We will be using mobile apps such as Auxy, Trackd, and Garageband to create, arrange and record individual instruments digitally, and sequence them into tracks to create a song. In addition, we will be using digital cameras to understand the elements of filmmaking & storytelling, using InShot to edit digital video.
Casey Koerner was born in Mt. Shasta, CA; and has lived by the rivers, forests and oceans of Northern California, Hawaii, Iceland & NYC.  He paints figures and animals juxtaposed within spiritual and metaphysical connections; regularly serving as guides, co-protectors and healers.

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David Couch


My name is David Couch and I’ve been involved with the volleyball community for the last 25 years. I’ve played and competed with indoor clubs and outdoor tournaments both on grass and in the sand. I had started my own indoor volleyball club called Stingrays Volleyball around 15 years ago and coached for 2 seasons. Before that, I coached both boys and girls at Branham High School in San Jose as well as for Aloha Volleyball club.

I’ll be coaching our kids at Main Beach in Santa Cruz on Tuesdays from 3:00-4:30. We’ll mainly be emphasizing the basics of the sport. Focusing strongly on footwork, cardio, communication skills, and passing. I’ll work on more advanced skills a little more privately with kids who show that they’re ready for it.

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Erica Stanojevic

Math basics

This class will focus on math basics for children between ages 5 - 8. Number sense and place value (through millions, less for the younger children) will become familiar through hands-on exploration with base-10 manipulatives. The four operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division - will be explored using manipulatives, games, and real world application. Once a child demonstrates understanding of the concept of each operation, memorization of the basic math facts will be practiced through learning strategies and games. This memorization aids in math fluency and ease for the long term. Estimation will be developed as a tool to quickly approximate an answer. Measurement will be explored first using created units - such as a child's hand - and then moving towards measuring with standard metric and imperial systems. The older children will begin a basic exploration of fractions using manipulatives. The first few sessions of class will be used to determine what level each child is at and then we will take off from there!

Erica Stanojevic has always worked with kids. With her first job, she spent years teaching swimming which made clear the value of fun within learning. She taught at science camps as a young adult and then went on to become an elementary school teacher for five years in East San Jose. She left that to focus on becoming a mother and also because the public education system did not align with her life. She still holds a CA teaching credential.
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Gabe Dearie

Intro to Coding and Computers

I teach kids whatever they want to know about Minecraft.  Along the way kids will learn some basic computer skills and knowledge.  Minecraft commands are one of the best ways to introduce coding to kids since they can see the results instantly. Sign Up


Hugh Allan

Language Arts

Comprehensive Reading: This course is designed to not simply run the student through volumes of text, but teach them how to effectively and efficiently extrapolate the right information from what they read, and help them synthesize their own analysis for discussion and written responses. The ability to write a good essay truly arises from skillful reading, and is incredibly useful throughout life. Students will have assigned reading as well as in depth work in class, which will amount to both discussion and short essays. The workload includes short stories, poetry, song lyrics, and a novel. This course will significantly build the students ability to read, write, and discuss engaging texts. 

Creative Writing:  I’m very excited to teach this ten week course because creative writing is what initially made me appreciate English as a whole. As we explore different genres and techniques, I plan to give quite a bit of freedom to students, letting them have fun as they explore their creativity and bring imagination to life. Creative writing can be as fantastical as it is therapeutic, and during the process of telling a story, kids learn a ton about their own interests as well as their perception of the world around them. Sign Up

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Kelly Dearie

Early American History  

This weekly course will explore Early American History with an emphasis on governance, beginning with the Indigenous Nations, to the early colonists, and culminating with an exploration of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution of the United States.  Controvesial issues regarding the treatment of Native Americans, Slavery, etc. will be discussed. 

The shaping of the constitution will be discussed as well as how these principles apply today. We will also discuss the issues of “constitutional rights”, “civil rights”, “democracy vs. republic”, and individualism vs. collectivism. Topics from American History will also shape discussions in the Critical Thinking and Debate course on Thursdays.

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Leslie Warren


Leslie received her B.S. in Physics from California State and went on to work in the field of physics in her early career.  She transitioned to management and spent the majority of her working career in management in Silicon Valley.  Currently she is the co-owner of Breath+Oneness in Capitola with her daughter Carrie Burr.  Leslie has always enjoyed teaching, and is pleased to have the opportunity to teach mathematics for the freedom community children.

 Middle School Math 

- The Number System – including factors,
fractions, decimals
- Ratios Proportions and Percents
- Expressions and Equations – including exponents, scientific notation, square and cube roots, solving equations.
- Geometry
- Intro to Statistics and Probability
- Coordinate Plane and Functions

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Nicole Young

Wilderness Survival

Learn wilderness survival skills while training with the experts of Visionary Village Santa Cruz, Nicole Young and Raphael Kennar.

We will guide you in the art of survival through hands-on activities in the ancient skills of survival. Our focus will be on shelter, water, fire and food. These classes will help you develop safety in the out of doors, a deeper connection with the natural world and a “bug out” option – should you need it in these unprecedented times.

Feel the freedom and security of being able to survive in the wilderness – should there come a time with no access to basic amenities and utilities – you’ll be ready.

Nicole Young has studied and taught wilderness survival skills since 2000. She began her journey by taking classes with Tom Brown Jr, at his Wilderness Survival School, she then went on to test her skills in the mountains of North Carolina and honed them further at The Wilderness Awareness School’s Anake Program in Washington State.
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Paul Damon

Warrior Training

Warrior Training is a high energy training course specifically designed to develop strength and speed, stamina and self-confidence. Basic to intermediate self-defense and sparring skills are interwoven with obstacle course and small crossbow target practice. This training fosters self-responsibility, discipline, and working hard while having fun in a positive environment.

The founder of Holistic Veterans, a non-profit organization here in Santa Cruz, Paul is a champion of healthy living, holistic practices, and developing strength of mind, heart, body, and spirit. He has been working with veterans and non-veterans for over six years in cultivating positive daily habits of meditation, physical and mental conditioning, and healthy eating. Paul has worked in various martial arts for over 15 years and is excited to share his experience and wisdom with others for their own betterment and empowerment. Sign Up

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