4-5 Year Olds
Play Based Learning for
4-5 year olds
In this class children will have the opportunity to fully explore their environment through developmentally appropriate activities, such as; monthly themed art projects, circle time with singing/dancing/early learning, reading books, sensory and science, cooking, and more! Additionally, we will spend a lot of time in the great outdoors, attuning to the natural world, with a focus on social-emotional learning.
This class will provide lots of fun, hands-on (both planned and emergent curriculum) educational opportunities for young children. Their senses will be excited and their imagination engaged- with experiences curated daily allowing them to build, pour, mix, smash, squeeze, wipe, tear, pretend play and beyond.
What is Play Based Learning?
Through play based learning, children's innate curiosity to explore their world is valued, while the motivation to understand it will be fostered. Young children need various types of play in order to support and facilitate meaningful learning opportunities as they develop language, motor skills, social, emotional and cognitive abilities. These types of play include physical, dramatic, nature, music, art, and age-appropriate play.

Payment Options
$15 /hour with a payment plan for all classes
$15 /hour with 10% paid in full for all classes
10% sibling discount
$10 /hour morning and after care