Become a Visionary Village Santa Cruz Tutor

Our tutors are the foundation of Visionary Village Santa Cruz. Becoming a tutor is a life changing experience for you and your students. You get to bring your skills, passions, interests and talents, and share them with an eager group of students who are ready to learn. Tutors can also choose to work one-on-one or in small groups, helping students who need extra support. The more students you have, the more income you can earn. It’s an amazing opportunity for everyone involved!

How it works

  • Our tutors are independent contractors

    Visionary Village Santa Cruz tutors are not employees, but rather independent contractors. You will report your own income to the IRS, be responsible for all accounting, and be the main contact for students in your classes. Visionary Village Santa Cruz offers support with family payments and refunds, adiministrative assistance, website upkeep and promotion, and class sites and locations.

  • The more the students you have, the more income you can make

    Tutors are paid $14/hour per student for classes ages 3-6, and $12/hour per student for classes ages 7-18. One-on-one tutoring is paid at $40-60/hour depending on the credentials of the tutor. Small group tutoring of 2-3 students is paid at $20-40/hour depending on the credentials of the tutor. Small group tutoring of 4-6 students is __________________depending on the credentials of the tutor.

  • Pay the Visionary Village Tutor Fees and the rest is yours

    Parents pay tutors directly through our website, which links to each tutor’s bank account directly. Visionary Village Santa Cruz will automatically deduct 25% of all tutor earnings to cover the “tutor administration fee,” which covers the cost of advertising and promotion, website upkeep, registration and enrollment of students, and administration and office staff on site. Tutors will also pay $20 per hour for the use of any Visionary Village Santa Cruz classroom. The rest of the money you earn is yours. The more students and classes you teach, the more income you can make.*

    *Tutors will need to hire, and pay for, an aid/assistant under the following conditions:

    Credentialed teacher with more than 14 students

    Non-credentialed teacher with more than 10 students

    Outdoor activities or classes with more than 8 students (ages 7 and older) will need an assistant for every 8 students beyond the tutor

    Outdoor activities or classes with more than 5 students (ages 6 and younger) will need an assistant for every 5 students beyond the tutor

Steps to Become a Tutor

  • Apply

    If you are interest in becoming a Visionary Village Santa Cruz tutor, please fill out the application from the link below, and a Visionary Village Santa Cruz Tutor coordinator will reach out to you for next steps. Please note that applications include a cover letter, resume with three references, and two letters of recommendation. All interested applicants will go through a complete criminal background check as part of the application process.

  • Become a Member

    If there is a mutual decision that you are a good fit for Visionary Village Santa Cruz, then the next step is becoming a Visionary Village Santa Cruz member. We offer $5 a year memberships for tutors, which includes all members of their immediate family. Tutors and their families are able to enjoy all benfits of membership, including communty events, classes, clubs, activities, and campouts.

  • Take adult/child/infant CPR and first aid

    In order to begin teaching classes at Visonary Village Santa Cruz, all tutors must show proof of taking , or must take, an adult/child/infant CPR and first aid class that will be paid for by the tutor. We can offer recommendations for approved classes if needed.